OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (2025)

OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (1)

Struggling with zulrah? Or you’re doing the research before you get in for your first attempt? This osrs zulrah guide will cover everything you need to know to start with zulrah or finally stop dying to his venom.

Contents hide

1Why you should fight zulrah

2What you should know before attempting Zulrah

2.1Zulrah has three forms

2.2Zulrah Special Attacks

2.2.1Venom Clouds


2.3Zulrah Rotations

2.3.1Using the zulrah helper

2.3.2Phase 1

2.3.3Phase 2 has 3 possible outcomes

3Gear setup

3.2Ranged setup

4Inventory Setup

5.1Use the zulrah helper

5.2Use runelite to mark the tiles

5.3Accept that you will die at Zulrah

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Why you should fight zulrah

Zulrah, while it has a learning curve, can be a super profitable boss once you get the hang of it. This boss can be easily reached by both the Zul’ Andra teleport scroll or the fairy ring teleport (BJS) which makes trips incredibly quickly. Especially if you have a rejuvenation pool in your house and a designated zulrah bank tab.

Once you get the hang of the rotations and have the proper stats/gear you can expect 2-3 minute kills. Combined with quick banking and an efficient P-O-H, you can make up to 3M/h here. This makes zulrah even more profitable than Vorkath and the most profitable solo boss in old school Runescape. Convinced yet?

What you should know before attempting Zulrah

Zulrah has three forms

Zulrah rotates between three different forms. You’ll want to switch your overhead prayers and gear depending on these different versions of Zulrah.

OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (2)Serpentine form: This form will attack with ranged so you want to protect from missiles as soon as you see the green color and BEFORE switching gears. You’ll want to be using mage against this form.
OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (3)Magma form: This form will attack with Melee. You can’t protect against this form. If you see the magma zulrah staring at you, move away quickly or he’ll hit you with a 30 and stun you. You’ll want to be using mage against this form.
OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (4)Tanzanite form: This form attacks with both mage and range. You want to protect from mage against the tanzanite form as this is the most common attack. You’ll want to be using range against this form.

Zulrah Special Attacks

Zulrah has two special attacks.

Venom Clouds

OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (5)

During different parts of the fights, zulrah will spit out venomous clouds. If you stand within a 2×2 radius from them, you will be dealt with rapid damage. To counter this, you should know where to stand at which point in the rotation, but we’ll get into that later.


OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (6)

Another special attack of zulrah is the snakelings that zulrah spawns. These have a combat level of 90 but only 1 hp, which is why you should always wear either a ring of suffering or a ring of recoil.

Snakelings can hit up to 15 and when multiple are surrounding you, with venomous clouds you can easily be comboed out.

You don’t need to worry about killing them while you’re fighting zulrah as your ring will take care of that. It’s important you keep your DPS on zulrah so you can finish the kill faster.

Zulrah Rotations

This is where zulrah gets a little complicated but don’t let that scare you away. It doesn’t take too long to get used to the rotations and the guys at zulrah helper have made an application that makes getting used to the rotations so much easier.

Using the zulrah helper

You’ll want to have the zulrah helper on a secondary monitor if you have one or resize the window and place it next to your Runescape client if you don’t have a second monitor. Another option is to have it open on your phone.

Phase 1

Zulrah always starts as the serpentine form in the middle.

OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (7)

Phase 2 has 3 possible outcomes

OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (8)

Depending on the outcome of phase 2 there are 5 different possible patterns.

Only when phase 2 spawns the magma form, are there 2 different possible patterns. Phase 3 will always be Tanzanite in this pattern.

Magma form in phase 2Serpentine form in phase 2Tanzanite form in phase 2
OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (9)OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (10)OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (11)
OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (12)
OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (13)

Gear setup

Since zulrah has forms that are weak to both ranged and magic, you’ll want to gear up accordingly. The following setups will be in order from best to worst.

Magic setup

Top/bottom/head slotAncestralAhrimElite VoidInfinity
Necklace slot:OccultFuryGlory
Cape slotImbued god capeGod capeSkill cape
Staff slotsanguinestiTrident of the swamp/seas
Shield slotArcaneMage’s bookMalediction ward
BlessingRada’s blessing 4God blessing
Gloves slotTormented braceletBarrows glovesVoid knight glovesCombat bracelet
Boots slotEternalInfinityWizardBrimstone
Ring slotRing of sufferingRing of recoil
OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (14)

Ranged setup

Top/bottom/head slotArmadylBlessed D’hideKarilBlack D’hide
Necklace slot:AnguishFuryGlory
Cape slotAva’s assemblerAva’s accumulatorRanged cape
weapon slotTwisted bowBlowpipe
Ammo slotDragon (if twisted bow)God blessing
Gloves slotBarrows glovesBlessed vambracesBlack D’hide vambraces
Boots slotPegasianRanger bootsBlessed bootsSnakeskin boots
Ring slotRing of sufferingRing of recoil
OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (15)

Inventory Setup

Optional items: Rune pouch (for vengeance), dramen staff (if you plan on using the fairy ring network), Zul’andra teleport scroll, ring of dueling (so you can use the clan wars FFA portal if you don’t have a rejuvenation pool)

Food: You’ll want to use sharks/manta rays in combination with 4 karambwans as combo food.

Mandatory items: Anti-venom+, ranging potion (can be divine), magic potion (can be divine) or bastion potion instead of ranging if stats are above 90+, 1 prayer potion, house teleport

OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (16)

Zulrah Tips & Tricks

Use the zulrah helper

Especially throughout your first couple fights and while getting to know the rotations you should have the zulrah helper next to your osrs client.

Use runelite to mark the tiles

If you’re on the runelite client, you can mark the tiles on the island by using shift right-click.

OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (17)

Accept that you will die at Zulrah

The first thing you need to know is that you will die at zulrah, a lot. So be ready for that. Zulrah is not an easy boss like General Graardor where you can manage to stay alive by simply eating and having your protections up. At zulrah, you need to gear switch, prayer switch, be at the correct position, etc. It’s not easy. Especially if you’re new to PVMing.

P.S. Don’t worry about dying, it’s a safe place and you can get your stuff back by talking to the priestess in front of the boat.

Hopefully, this osrs zulrah guide was helpful. Using the zulrah helper, you don’t have to worry about the rotations and before you know it you will have them memorized.

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OSRS Zulrah Guide - Zulrah Rotations made EASY - OSRS Guide (2025)


Are Zulrah rotations random? ›

Zulrah has four attack patterns. One rotation is randomly chosen at the start of the fight and repeated until the boss has been defeated. Some PvP worlds are affected by a rotation between two groups of active worlds, which alternate on a weekly basis.

Does Zulrah repeat the same rotation? ›

Zulrah appears in the middle in its serpentine form, attacking with Ranged 5 times, followed by 4 venom cloud barrages. Pray Protect from Missiles and attack Zulrah. If you do not kill Zulrah by the end of this phase, then the rotations reset, randomly choosing a new rotation.

What is the best weapon to kill Zulrah? ›

Although Zulrah has no melee defence in any form, Zulrah can only be reached with a halberd-type weapon, and even then, is immune to melee damage.

How many Zulrah kills per hour? ›

With maximum stats and gear, upwards of 35 kills per hour can be achieved, resulting in 4,603,316.00 gp per hour before supplies.

Do you need 76 agility for Zulrah? ›

Zulrah is located at a shrine east of Zul-Andra. Players can quickly get here by: taking a charter ship to Port Tyras and then running south. using the fairy ring code BJS to the small island west of Zul-Andra, and then leaping across the stepping stones (requires 76 Agility, can be boosted)

Is Zulrah harder than Vorkath? ›

KingCondor on X: "Vorkath is a harder boss to kill than Zulrah" / X.

Should I use elite void at Zulrah? ›

Regular Void will work, but Elite Void is highly recommended. Within the instance, Zulrah will spawn multiple snakelings with 1hp – which makes the Ring of Suffering, or at least Ring of Recoil absolutely necessary for the entirety of the fight.

How many Zulrah scales for blowpipe per hour? ›

When using the rapid attack style on the toxic blowpipe, up to 3,000 darts may be fired per hour, equating to up to 2,000 Zulrah's scales used per hour.

How to speed up Zulrah? ›

As a fast speed-kill achievement, the player will want to use thralls, and all damage-boosting equipment and prayers available for both ranged and magic. Any hits that would deal over 50 damage to Zulrah will be reduced to 45-50 damage.

What is the antidote at Zulrah? ›

The first dose will reduce the venom to poison and the second will remove the poison. In addition, it provides up to 36 seconds immunity to venom upon drinking it. Antidote++ is used to create anti-venom. This can be done by adding Zulrah's scales into it, requiring 87 herblore.

What range weapon for Zulrah? ›

Due to Zulrah's high Magic level, a Twisted Bow is very effective against it, and can completely negate the need for a Magic switch, allowing for much more inventory space and possibly more kills per trip. A Serpentine helm is very useful for its immunity to Venom, despite it having negative Magic and Ranged bonuses.

How does Zulrah scales work? ›

Zulrah's scales are items used to charge serpentine helmets, toxic blowpipes, toxic staves of the dead, and tridents of the swamp. It can also be used to create anti-venom at 87 Herblore by using them on an Antidote++, with 5 scales used per dose. They are primarily obtained as a drop from Zulrah.

Is Zulrah a girl? ›

Interestingly, Zulrah is referred to as "him" by the people of Zul-Andra and "her" in the Boss lair display. The Makeover Mage has the ability to change between genders whenever they want to, and does so randomly every few seconds according to their mood. They were the first canonically LGBTQ+ character introduced.

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