Problems with my brand new Medion ERAZER ENGINEER P10 (MD34956) pc (2025)

Hello people

So, A few days ago i bought the "medion erazer engineer p10 (md34956)" Pre-built pc from a online retailer, and i've set it up and everything.

However, during the first day of seting it up, i was starting to notice some odd behaviour. While i was uninstalling some pre-installed softwares such as microsoft 365 and macafee antivirus, the pc would completely restart itself, just completely randomly.
At first, i thought this might were linked to some windows updates scheduled or something. After the pc would turn on again, it would work and operate fully normally without any hiccups the whole day, it would play all sorts of demanding games such as Black ops cold war and Cyberpunk 2077.
So later that day, i turned off the pc, and went to bed. The next day when i turned the pc on, i opned the web browser for facebook and youtube, and after just 3 minutes, it would randomly restart itself again (please note that the pc was litterally idle when this happend)
Same as yesterday, after the restart the pc would play games normally just fine the whole day, no issues. At the end of this day, i would start to look up what could be causing this issue, to check if people had simular issues, but seemigly without any luck.
So i attempted to do something people with simular issue has done, and thats to change the power settings, i tried multiple diffrent settings, but none would "fix" this.
I also tried to use older graphic card drivers to see if it could be the reason behind it, sadly it didnt work either. And then i tried multiple earlier windows versions, no luck either.
At last, i downloaded the "Medion Service tool" on their official website, that would diganose my pc, and all its components, from testing to stress testing them, however, the only thing that it really "fixed" during running it the 1st time was the C drive, it restarted the pc and prompted the "Fixing C Drive 938726 bytes of 100298837"
This went on for about 1 minute, and the pc would then turn on. At this point i thought i had fixed it, since i had an thought it could be related to the ssd itself.
So i turned the pc off, and went back to doing something else. 6 Hours later i decided to turn the pc on to see if i really had solved it, however this time, the pc would work fine, even in idle modus...that was until i started moving the mouse and playing youtube videos....thats whe the pc suddenly went black. The fans/gpu was still running, my keyboard was running too aswell as the pc mouse, but the screen was To start the pc, i was forced to press the power button to force shut it down and start it again.
Now i was completely clueless, this would continue to happend only after booting up the pc after it had been off for a few hours (booting it from cold components) but it would ONLY happend during the first boot, the second boot (after pressing down the power button to boot it up after the crash) it would work completely fine the whole day as normally playing demanding games.

At this point i was getting desperate at getting this fixed. I had a small hope it could be a faulty windows install or something, so i prompted to re-install the windows yesterday, got every driver up running, everyhting looked to work fine, so i went to bed. So today morning i decided to boot it up, thinking i had fixed it, however, after opening youtube and facebook, and not moving the mouse at all, the pc would crash, but this time, like the first crash, it would not be stuck and needed to be force retsarted, but rather it would restart itself.

Now i'm clueless about what to do, and im starting to think this is no longer any software issue, meaning its out of my power to fix this, which seemigly looks to be a hardware failure, a really early one, considering the pc is nearly just 1 week old.

So in short, the only way i can reproduce this is by waiting for the pc to be cold, maybe 6-7 hours, start it up, open the web browser, perhpahs youtube and facebook, wait 2-3 minutes as you manouver around in there, and then it will simply restart itself (it happends with other browsers too, so its not just a chrome issue) this is the easiest way to trigger it.

The pc specs of the pc:

GPU: GTX 3080 10 GB
CPU: Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz, 2904 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)
Ram: 32gb, ram name: samsung m378a2g43ab 3-cwe
Bios version: BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 460H6W0X.105, 19/05/2020
Motherboard name: ECS B460H6-EM

My MSN: 10023941

Do any of you have any clue what this might be/and or had any simular issue? I'm suspecting its a hardware issue 😕

Problems with my brand new Medion ERAZER ENGINEER P10 (MD34956) pc (2025)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.