The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)

of a a FIRST Monroe County Panther Valley Carbon County County THE MORNING CALL, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1941 THIRTEEN Lansford Lodge Host at Session Of District Elks Officers Are Nominated for Election at Next Meeting in Bangor More than 100. Elks, representing over 15 lodges, attended the quarterly conference of the Northeast district of Elks held yesterday afternoon in the Lansford High school auditorium. Prior to the business session members and their wives had dinner in the Lansford lodge social rooms. Robert Davis, district president, Bangor, was in charge and greetings were extended by Kline S. Wernert, exalted ruler of the host order.

Among the committee reports given was the Antlers committee of Tamaqua. The order, composed of young men under 21 years of age, is sponsored by the Tamaqua lodge and is the organization of its kind in the region. The group discussed the annual state convention to be held at Pottsville in August. Final plans will be arranged at the next meeting to be held in Bangor on May 4. The following officers nominated will gathering: be up for President, election Barites, Shamokin; vice president, Robert Adams, "Sayre; secretary, Wilbur G.

Warner, Lehighton; treasurer, Kline S. Wernert, Lansford. August Mitke of Freeland was nominated as a member of the executive committee. It was decided that the Lansford and Lehighton lodges will sponsor a historical society. Plans for the organization have been in the making by Wilbur Warner, Lehighton, state vice president of the Elks, and Carl Neumiller, a member of the Lansford lodge.

It is planned to have the project in full swing so as to be of assistance when Carbon county celebrates its 100th anniversary in 1943. The session was addressed by District Deputy Joseph Neary of Shamokin who spoke on "Youth of Our Country." He discussed Scout anniversary week and explained the value of the scout organization and how it effects the Elks. A program followed in the host order's rooms. Mrs. Nicholas Beyrent Of Tamaqua Succumbs In St.

Jerome's Church Stricken while attending novena devotions in St. Jerome's Catholic church, Tamaqua, last night, Mrs. Nicholas Beyrent, 105 Gay Tamaqua, died while receiving aid in the sacristy of the church to which she had been removed. Final rites were administered by the Rev. W.

Hower Flaherty assistant rector. Dr. Harry W. Bally who was summoned pronounced her dead. A native of Mahanoy City, she was the former Kathryn Dennis.

A parishioner of St. Jerome's church, she belonged to the Sodality. Her husband died more than six years ago. six years ago. Surviving are the following children: Mrs.

Curtis Keefer, Mrs. Lawton VanBuren, Mrs. Clorinda Breslin, Kathryn, Charles, Nicholas, Walter and Francis, Tamaqua; Mrs. Harry Schaeffer, Lansford; 18 grandchildren; a twin sister, Elizabeth Skeath, and another sister, Margaret Dennis, both of Reading. Also surviving are two brothefs, Peter, Mahanoy City, and Walter, Philadelphia.

To Enter Naval School John Pribish, U. S. Naval Training school at Newport, R. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Pribish, E. Railroad ing. Following his visit in Nesquehoning he will leave for San Diego, to enter the Naval school of training for yeomen. He graduated from Nesquehoning High school last June. LANSFORD Emil Tomchik, employed at Washington, D.

returned to his duties following a short visit with relatives on E. Ridge St. Joseph Vanyush returned to Washington, D. following a weekend visit with his parents on W. Ridge St.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Garland, E. Front spent Saturday with the former's mother in Allentown. Mrs.

Frank Kelly, W. Abbott returned from Phoenixville, where she visited her grandfather. George S. Shindel and John Lannon returned from Philadelphia where they attended a convention. Agnes Valky, New York City, returned to her home following a visit with her father, Joseph Valky, E.

Water St. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthews of Reading returned to their home following a visit with Mrs. Raymond Morris, E.

Abbott St. MAUCH CHUNK Vincent McFadden, of spent the past few days with his family on W. Broadway. School Director Edgar C. Miller, 2nd ward, is home after attending the state directors convention in Harrisburg.

Assemblyman George W. Dolon, 2nd ward, is in Harrisburg today attending a session of the Legislature. Mrs. Laura Bauer, Philadelphia, spent three weeks with Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Harter 2nd ward. Martin Kennedy and sons, W. Broadway, visited the former's mother who is 111 in Scranton. Mrs. Estelle Tobias, 2nd ward, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs.

Thomas Fabian, Reading. East Mauch Chunk Thomas Bevan, student at the University of Pennsylvania, weekended with local friends. guest of her parents, Mrs. Butte Wilson, Los Angeles, Councilman and Mrs. Henry Dieckman, North St.

Mrs. Raymond Gallagher, Shillington, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Swank, Center St. John Colombo, local insurance manager, is home after attending a convention in New York City.

Joseph Cadden Sr. Frank X. Engles, Center were Harrisburg visitors. James Bevan, Mechanicsburg, spent the weekend with relatives here. School Directors Robert Kishbaugh and Howard Becker attended the state school directors convention in Harrisburg.

Lambert Zaengle, student at Kutztown Teachers college, called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Zaengle, Center St. Home of Tamaqua's Founder Still Stands This home, erected in 1801 by hart Moser, Tamaqua's founder first settler, is still well preserved and is tenanted.

The building, owned by Nahf, E. Tamaqua, built 31 years before the borough was incorporated. The 140-year-old structure came into the possession of the Nant famthrough inheritance from John Nahf, father of the present owner, who had acquired it from the Little Schuylkill Navigation Railroad and New 1 Lehighton School Calendar The Lehighton board of education has approved the 1941-42 school calendar of Lehighton public school district. Included in the schedule from July 1, 1941, to commencement on June 5, 1942, are the following: July, beginning of fiscal year; election of treasurer; Sept. 2, opening of the school term; Oct.

17, P. S. E. A. convention, school closed; Nov.

11, Day, no school; Nov. 27 and Thanksgiving vacation. Dec. 1, reorganization. All members of the board shall be given five days notice by mail by the secretary of the retiring board of the time and place of meeting for organization.

Term of office begins the first Monday of December. 24 to Jan. 2, inclusive, Christmas vacation. Jan. 21 and 22.

mid-year examinations; Feb. 23 to 27, inspection of buildings and heating plants; March 16, budget adopted; April 1, all school taxes to be levied during April and May; on or before assessor shall furnish to each school district a certified duplicate; April 3, Friday, no school; April 6, Easter Monday, no school; May 15, senior examinations; May 25, term examinations begin; May 29, school closes. Class will. be held on June 4 and commencement exercises on June day, 5. Independents to Close Coal Holes and Discuss Plan to End Bootlegging POTTSVILLE, Feb.

9. (A)-Operators of so-called "bootleg" coal holes in the lower Schuylkill county area declared their opposition tonight to a new plan to end such mining and announced a holiday from row to discuss the plan P. Joseph Brennan, president the furthers. Independent Miners association, said the miners wanted more assurance of steady than that offered under the state plan. The four-point plan, approved by legitimate operators and the United Mine Workers union, calls for purchase of "bootleg" coal by the operators, a survey of all coal holes and their closing as fast as their operators are absorbed into the regular industry.

Tomorrow's meeting, Brennan said, will be held at union hall in Minersville at 2:30 o'clock. Brennan said men would be stationed at all roads leading to coal holes to prevent their operation during the day. Independent miners, truckers and break operators in the Minersville area adopted a resolution Friday night condemning districts One, Seven and Nine of the United Mine Workers "for becoming part and party to the most ruthless, cold-blooded and hard-hearted instrument of destruction ever perpetrated upon an innocent people who are the victims of circ*mstances over which they have no control." Palmerton Pair to Mark 40th Anniversary Today Mr. and Mrs. S.

E. Heiney, 542 Franklin Palmerton, are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary today. They were married on Feb. 10, 1901, at the Reformed church parsonage, Gilbert, by the Rev. F.

W. Smith. Mrs. Heiney is the former Emma Wagner, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Wagner of Lower Towamensing township. Mr. Heiney is employed as shift engineer in the power department of the Palmerton plants of the New Jersey Zinc Co. SUMMIT HILL Annie Fink, E. Holland returned after visiting in New York City.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Griffith and family, have moved from E. Hazard to Lehighton. Mrs.

Maurice Graver, E. Hazard Mrs. George N. Oak spent several days with relatives Shenandoah. sity of and, Pennsylvania, weekended with Bronne Robert Bruzgo, Univera their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Bronne Bruzgo, E. White St. Barbara Boyle, Pocono township, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

John Boyle, E. Ludlow St. Mrs. George DeSilva is convalescing at her home, E. Hazard after being a patient for two weeks in the Palmerton hospital, Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Snyder, W. Holland entertained Bethlehem relatives. Sarah Grandhomme returned to E. Ludlow after a visit in New York.

COALDALE Anthony Gochal and Michael Serina have entered a New York technical institute to study aircraft mechanics. Mr. and Mrs. William Foley, Harrisburg, visited relatives on Water St. Mr.

and Mrs. Edward O'Gorman, Scranton, visited Andrew O'Gorman and family, 2nd St. Johens and Margaret Phillips, Harrisburg, spent the weekend with relatives. Sally Gallagher, Philadelphia, visited her brother, Chief of Police James L. Gallagher.

Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Griffiths were the guests of Bethlehem relatives. 105th Anti-tank Battalion Lists New Promotions Co. at Tamaqua Will Not Leave for Fort Meade Before Feb.

24 A number of personnel shifts in Company 105th Anti-tank Battalion, Tamaqua, is mobilized at the Tamaqua 'armory awaiting the definite call to move, were disclosed yesterday. Corp. Joseph Navratil, Coaldale, was promoted to sergeant to replace Sergeant Frederick Myers, Tamaqua, who was rejected due to an eye condition. Chalmer Marsden of Nesquehoning is acting first sergeant and is expected to fill the position permanently. John Riehman, East Mauch Chunk, a first private has been promoted to company clerk as a corporal.

First Sergeant Anthony Sakusky, Tamaqua, will be examined by a board at Scranton this afternoon and is expected to receive his commission as second lieutenant. If he receives the commission, Marsden will become first sergeant. Leaving of the unit for Fort Meade, is being delayed because plumbing work at the camp is not completed. According to orders received, the company will not occupy training quarters until that work is completed because it would be necessary for the to live in tents. Barracks, have been memberer.

erected. The last orders received at the armory said the unit will not move from the armory until Feb. 24 or later. After official inspection on Saturday, an "army holiday" was declared until this morning. St.

Ann's New Scout Troop To Meet Tomorrow Night The first meeting of the newly organized Boy Scout troop of St. Ann's church, Lansford, will be held p. m. tomorrow in the school hall. Scoutmaster Francis Boyle and his assistant, John Holmes, will be in charge.

An for interesting the initial program session. has been Plans arranged will be laid to conduct weekly meetings. A turnout of about 14 boys is expected. Several members of the troop committee are to attend and aid in organization. West Ward GOP Club To Seek New Members Plans for a booster meeting were made yesterday afternoon at a special meeting of the West Ward Republican club in The charge of President been Michael Solinko.

affair has uled for Feb. 22 in the Lansford club rooms. Invitations have been extended to numerous Carbon county office holders and preminent townspeople. The club has opened the charter and a membership drive expected to increase the membership from its standing of 120. Membership can be attained by contacting the chairman or the secretary, Latzie Sabol.

Other officers are vice president, John Katcocin; treasurer, John Palkenda; trustees, George Zuzu, John Ondareo, and house committee, Steve Geusic, Charles Repinec and John Tucker. John Zuz is chairman of the political committee. Stephen Kuzma Reenlists For Another Term in Army Stephen Kuzma, Nesquehoning, who completed a three-year enlistment with the U. S. Army Jan.

15, has reenlisted, for, past another year he term. has been stationed at March Field, Calif. During his enlistment he also has served at Mitchell Field, New York: Langley Field, and Randolph Field, Tex. He is the son of John Kuzma, E. Center St.

LEHIGHTON Carolyn Meyle, Coplay, spent the weekend at the Gernerd residence, Ebberts Park. Robert Exner, Ernest Reich, Jake Jacoby and David Hahn attended the Muhlenberg-F. and M. basketball game at Allentown, Saturday night. Mr.

and Mrs. Blight, N. 3rd are spending the day in Somerville, N. J. Elias Diehl, Allentown, visited Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Diehl, S. 1st St. Mr. and Mrs.

Jason Boyer, Northampton, visited relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Gerstlauer, S. 9th visited the former's mother at the Allentown hospital, Saturday night.

La Tour Snyder, N. 2nd visited in Stroudsburg. Harold Rabenold, N. 1st was an Allentown visitor yesterday. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Rabuck and daughter Jean of Coopersburg visited relatives in town over the weekend. Palmerton Scout Troop Has Investiture Boy Scouts who attended the investitute ceremony conducted by Troop 43, Palmerton, are pictured above. The ceremony was held in the basem*nt of the First National bank where the troop, sponsored by the Palmerton Board of Trade, has its Scouts invested are George Brown, Charles Greenwood and Norman Smith. Trustees, Committeemen of St.

Nicholas Church The trustees and active committee of St. Nicholas American-Russki Independent Greek Catholic church, Lansford, recently organized after separation from John's Greek Catholic church, Lansford, are shown here. These men have been instrumental in negotiating for a cemetery plot for the parish and are engaged in seeking a suitable church site or place of worship. The trustees in the upper photo are, left to right, Michael Macitician, Chairman Joseph Fetro, Peter Rimm and Peter Moneta. Standing are Steve Hricisn, Peter Haburchak, Andrew Bitsko, Frank Kovalek and Wash Bench.

The committee in the lower photo are, seated, Paul Zwizdak, John Telepchak, John Paleschick, Michael Rimm Andrew Aricek. Standing are George Rabada, Michael Paslowsky, Michael Julick, Michael Hatrak, George Kowatch and Michael Lebar. Call-Chronicle Photos. Tamaqua Scouts Attend Service Rev. Maynard C.

Hallock Speaks on 'Growing Before the Lord' Scouts and their leaders battended a special service last night in Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Tamaqua, in connection with Boy Scout week. The Rev. Maynard C. Hallock, pastor, spoke on the theme Good taken from the text: "And the child Samuel grew before the Lord." The pastor listed these necessities to "Grow Before the Lord:" Sincerity, confidence in God, yourself and others, obedience, uphold the things in which you believe and know to be right, and temple for God in your life. The first letter of each of requirements spell the word "Scout." His concluding message was "If You are good Scout, some day you will be a good man." Special music was sung by the senior choir and the Brotherhood quartet, composed of Claude Ziegler, Thomas Reichelderfer, Thomas Davis and William Troy, The activity for Scout week will be a treasure hunt Tuesday night, followed by 8.

banquet Thursday night and a swim fest Friday. The troops also are awaiting a call for entire mobilization of the Fort Franklin district. 2 Cage Games Tonight East Mauch Chunk High school and Mauch Chunk Catholic High school basketball teams both will be active tonight, engaging in tough competition. John R. Eller's first half champs will invade Weatherly in an important Mountain League clash.

The Ellermen are undefeated in two starts while Weatherly has dropped one and won one. Starting for the East Chunkers will be Harry Heydt, Johnny Watto. forwards; Captain Lee Shuck, center; Frank. Schmidt and Eppie Herman, guards; for Weatherly: Leppler, Hunter, Pfeiffer, Romano and Ritter. John "Buckles" McGinley's "Fighting Irish" entertain the Easton Parochials in an independent encounter.

The starting lineup will include Gallagher, Gillespie, forwards; Solski, center; McFadden and McElmoyle, guards. TAMAQUA Mr. and Mrs. H. J.

Fenstermacher, E. Broad are touring in Mexico. Mrs. William Krapf, West Hazleton, visited her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Adam Bittenbender, Rowe St.

Stella Knepper, E. Broad is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Snodgrass, Miami, Fla.

Mrs. Curtis Bauer has returned to her home in Schuylerville, after visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Hower, Lafayette St. Frank Herron, Hamburg, was A weekend visitor of Mr. and Mrs.

Oliver Dettra, Arlington St. M. and Mrs. William H. Heffner, Philadelphia, and Fred H.

Heffner. Pinegrove, called on Mrs Lydai Heffner, Arlington St. Atty. and Mrs. A.

L. Reese, Tamaqua Heights, are vacationing at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. WEISSPORT Mr. and Mrs. Wilburt Green and family, Palmerton, have moved into the home formerly occupied by Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Arnold, White St. Mrs. Elmer Berger, Union Hill, is confined to her home with illness. Dean and Dana Leslie, son and daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Asher Leslie, East Weissport, are recovering from a recent illness. Albert Klotz, Franklin called on friends in Allentown. and Mrs. Woodrow Solt.

Harrisburg, are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Eva Solt, East Weissport. Ruth Clewell, Prospect visited friends in Walnutport. Tamaqua's PNG Unit Attends Worship Hour Rev. W.

E. Myers Says Character of Soldier More Forceful Than Arms Coal Co. The company gained possession from descendants of Moser, a German immigrant who came to the present site Tamaqua in 1799 from a section of Northampton county which later became Lehigh county. also served as his home until he He first establisned on sawmill which erected this building two years later. Construction materials consisted of roughly hewn logs chinked clay.

Moster was assisted construction by his son-in-law, John Kershner.Photo. Sunday's News in Brief Andreas, Man Manslaughter Charged With Willard Arner, 21, of Andreas, was committed to the Schuylkill county prison without bail Saturday on a charge of involuntary manslaughter following a a hearing before Justice of the Peace A. R. Snyder, Tamaqua. He pleaded not guilty.

Arner drove a car which figured in a collision with the car of Clayton Oswald, Tamaqua R. 3 on Dec. 13, 1940, on the South Tamaqua highway, in which the latter's wife Emma, was fatally injured. Banquet held Palmerton More than 100 Boys Scouts of the Palmerton district and their fathers attended the 19th annual Father and son banquet held Saturday night at the Palmerton neighborhood house. Troop exhibits were examined and a court of honor was conducted.

Frank A. Arner of Allentown, vice president of Lehigh Scheirer county council and Atty. Henry V. of Allentown spoke. Woman Hurt in Auto Collision Mrs.

Peter Nardini, 92 Centre Tamaqua, suffered a a a a sprain of the left leg, knee and ankle when a car operated by her husband collided with another driven by John La Uorte, 27 Mauch Chunk Tamaqua, on Route 209 in Brockton Saturday night. She was treated by Dr. N. H. Stein, New a Philadelphia.

Officers of the Tamaquqa detail, State Motor Police, investigated. Draft Board Needs One Man Only one more young man from Carbon county draft area No. 2 will be required to fill that district's quota for the Feb. 27 induction at WilkesBarre, according to W. H.

Smith, board chairman. Just before the office closed Saturday Wasil Roscoe, East Mauch Chunk, became the seventh volunteer for a year's military training. Tamaqua Boy Struck By Car Francis Stapleton aged 9, of 728 E. Broad Tamaqua, suffered a scalp laceration, brain concussion and possible skull fracture when struck by a car on E. Broad Tamaqua, Saturday night.

taken to the Coaldale State hospital where he condition was given as favorable. The car was driven by George Barron, 40 Miner Coaldale. Officers of the Tamaqua detail, State Motor Police, investigated. Judge Heads Boy Scout Appeal Judge G. E.

Gangloff, president Judge of Schuylkill county orphans court will head the annual appeal of the Appalachian Trail Boy Scout council, it was announced Saturday. The appeal will begin the last week of this month, with initial gift contributions being solicited prior to the opening of the general campaign. Labyack-Rohall Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Peter Labyack, E.

Fell Summit Hill, Saturday announced the marriage their daughter Anna to Peter, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rohal, Coaldale. The was married Sept. 16, 1940, couples John's Greek Catholic church, Lansford, by the Rev.

Michael Morris, pastor, Skids Down Embankment Skidding when it struck an icy stretch on Route 29 a few miles south of Tamaqua at 4 p. m. yesterday, a car operated by Michael E. Mazack, 13 Victor Trenton, N. knocked down a floodlight, tore down a section of fence near the White diner and landed down a five-foot bank.

The car was damaged considerably but Mazack was not hurt. Officers of Tamaqua detail, State Motor Police, investigated. "The principal force in any war da not arms but the material quality of the men themselves," said the Rev. W. E.

Myers in an address at a special worship service in the Methodist church. Tamaqua, at 11 a.m. yesterday, attended members of Company B. 105th Anti-tank Battalion. Using as his theme, "The Sword of the Lord." the pastor pointed out that many things in the character of a soldier give more force to an army than all the guns and bullets.

"The American soldiers." he said, "have been victorious. not because they are professional fighters but because they believe in what they are fighting for. They fought for liberty, then for union and now are preparing to defend democracy." E. Franklin Griffiths, past commander of the C. H.

Berry post, American Legion, Tamaqua, delivered the address of welcome as a member of the church presented each of the enlisted men with a New Testament and to the officers a combined New Testament and psalter. The presentation was made by William D. Trevorrow, president of the board 1 of trustees, assisted by other board members. The Senior choir sang Beethoven's "Halluelajh Chorus" and the Junior choir sang an anthem. The full company and officers, excepting those on guard duty, attended.

George 0. Wissler Dies At Lehighton Residence George O. Wissler died at his home, 311 S. 2nd Lehighton, at 11:15 p. m.

Saturday following a lengthy illness. Death was attributed to a heart condition. A ribbon weaver by occupation, he an invalid the past two years and was a parishioner of Trinity Lutheran church, Lehighton. He belonged to the Patriotic Order Sons of America and the Fraternal Patriotic Americans. He is survived by his wife and a son, William, Buffalo, N.

Y. St. Francis Sokols Trim Palmerton Sokols 49-38 John Rodgers, Tamaqua, Dies After Long Illness John Rodgers, 55, of 806 E. Broad Tamaqua, died at 9:25 a. m.

yesterday in the Coaldale State hospital where he was a medical patient since last June 20. He was ill for three years. A native of Ireland, he moved to Tamaqua in 1907. He was employed at Tamaqua colliery of the Lehigh Navigation Coal Co. and was a member of St.

Jerome's church of the Holy Name society. Surviving are several sisters, Mrs. McMonigle, with whom resided; Rose Rogers and Mrs. Bernard DeLaney, Philadelphia, and a brother, Simon Rogers, Coaldale, Several brothers and sisters in Ireland also survive. The funeral will be conducted from the McMonigle, residence at 9 a.

m. Wednesday, followed by 8 solemn requeim mass in St. Jerome's church. Interment will be made in the parish cemetery. Evan Jambrosic Dies At Coaldale, Aged 57 Evan Jambrosic, 57, died at 1:30 p.

m. vesterday at the home of his niece, Mrs. William Evans, 34 Bull Run Coaldale. He was ill for some time. The only other survivor is a brother, Thomas, same address.

He was unmarried. The funeral will be conducted Wednesday in St. Jerome's church. Tamaqua, Interment will be made in the parish cemetery. 26 Aquashicola High Pupils on Honor Roll Twenty-six students in Aquashicola High school gained the principal's honor roll at the close of the first semester of school.

Following are the honor students: Fifth grade: Jean Blose, Violet Strohl, Belva Serfass and Robert Snyder; sixth grade: Darwin Prokop, Marian Griffith, Charles Silliman, Betty Jane Gmitter and Peter Sikorsky; seventh grade: Gladys Berger, Larue Wentz, Viola Dotter, Dale Serfass and Margie Vido; eighth grade: Mark Heydt, Mark Heiney, Raymond Graver, Lillian Borger and Sterling Cope; freshmen: Irene Hahn; sophom*ores: Betty Person, Arlene George, Jean Kuehner, Dorothy Kutney, Doris Stein and Molly Heiney. Six Motorists Are Convicted Tamaqua and Lehighton State Motor Police Are Prosecutors Six motorists paid fines and costs when arraigned during last week before justices of the peace on violations of the motor vehicle code, charges being preferred by officers of the Motor Police. Locust Valley R. 1, reckless driving, Tamaqua and Lehighton details, State Tamaqua's cases: Wilbur a Perty, $12.25 fine and costs before Justice of the Peace J. A.

Walter, Quakake; Daniel B. Schock, Barnesville, failure to stop at an "stop" sign, $7.25 fine and costs before Justice of the Peace John Holich, Tuscarora. Albert Semmell, Slatington R. 1, speeding, $12.25 and costs before Justice of the Peace Walter. Oscar Taylor, Fracksville, reckless driving, $12.25 fine and costs before Justice of the Peace L.

D. Zehner, Tamaqua R. 3. Daniel DeRose, Hazleton, failure to reveal identity at the scene of an a accident. $27.25 fine and costs before Justice of the Peace Zehner.

Lehighton: John Dilley, Pipersville, Bucks county, speeding, $12.25 fine and costs before Justice of the Peace Robert Brobst, East Penn township. Having Difficult Time In Filling Draft Quota Vincent P. Collier, 43 W. Ridge Sta Coaldale, and William J. Morrall, 1 W.

Ruddle Coaldale, will leave Tamaqua at 8 a. m. today as the fourth set of replacements in the quota of ten assigned to Schuylkill county draft board No. 1. They will report at draft headquarters at 7:30 and will make the trip by bus.

The first group of the quota left Tamaqua Jan. 14 five being accepted one deferred and four rejected. A week later one of the deferred enlistees and four replacements went to the induction station at Wilkes two being rejected. Last Monday two volunteers were sent to replace those rejected but also returned home. board will meet at headquarters tonight to plan for the next call when 13.

men are scheduled to leave on March 5. Dove Hale and Hearty at 24 Years It was 21 years ago that Mrs. thur Williams of 1413 Hanover A Allentown, presented Mrs. Annie M. Costenbader, Palmerton R.

1, with a king dove. The bird, three years old at that time, is still active at the age of 24 years believed to be one of the oldest house birds in the region. It might be that its prolonged life The St. Francis Sokols of Nesquehoning avenged a defeat of two weeks ago when they downed the Palmerton Sokols 49-38 in a hotly contested battle in the Sacred Heart school, Palmthe opening period and extended the erton, The last Nesquers night. a took a 11-7 lead in advantage to 24-18 at half.

Continuing their barrage, the St. Francis quintet garnered markers in the third canto to their opponents 4 but were outscored 16-11 by a belated drive of the Palmerton five which failed to overcome the substantial lead. Reds Valusek again paced the winners with 20 points, his teammate John Mulligan scoring 14 points. Fabian led the losers with 19. Officials were Referee Honzo, Palmerton, and Umpire Zaba, Nesquehoning.

The Francies will tangle with the vaunted Allentown Grays next Friday night at Nesquehoning High school as the feature attraction of a doubleheader which will see the Nesquehoning girls team meet the Bethlehem Armorettes, sensational Lehigh Valley team which has rung up 39 consecutive victories. The Grays, paced by Jim Spenoer, former Lincoln university court star, boast 13 wins and two losses. The Sokols have won six of eight games. The Lamont Zimmermans, Lehighton, Wed 6 Years Mr. and Mrs.

Lamont H. Zimmerman, 215 S. 3rd Lehighton, observed their sixth wedding anniversary yesterday. The couple was married by the Rev. Thomas A.

Atkinson in Trinity Lutheran church, Lehighton. They are parents of a daughter, Heather Ann. Mrs. Zimmerman is the former Catherine Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

John K. Smith, Ebberts park, Lehighton. Mr. Zimmerman, son. of Mrs.

W. S. Longacre, Mahoning Lehighton, established a funeral home in Lehigh- ton last June. Infant Is Baptized Rose Mary Sully, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Sully, 5th East Mauch Chunk, was baptized yesterday afternoon in St. Joseph's Catholic church. East Mauch Chunk, by the Rev. John G. Zolondek, assistant rector.

Sponsors were Clarence Herman, East Mauch Chunk, and Mary La Rizzo, New Columbus. Mrs. Sully is the former Jennie De Tessitore, New Columbus. HAUTO Andrew Kmetz, Stephen Sabol and Victor Stianchi, Harrisburg, visited their parents here. Mrs.

Thomas Murphy and 50D Thomas and Agnes Pillar were visitors in Lansford yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holiday, daughters Dorothy and Nesquehoning, visited Mary Stianchi. Mr.

and Mrs. Levi Miller of Tamaqua, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nelson. Mr.

and Mrs. Levi Knouse visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGregor. NESQUEHONING Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Damian, Shamokin, Peggy Hughes, Bryn Mawr, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes. Thomas Marouchoc, Carlisle, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs.

Mary Marouchoc. Frances Collura, Brooklyn, N.Y., was weekend guest of Jane Collura, New Columbus. Joseph Greco, Harrisburg, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C.

Greco, New Columbus. Pauline Vaiana is spending several days with relatives in New York. Elizabeth and Margaret Davis, Allentown, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis.

Emily Nardozzi WAS a guest of friends in Hazleton over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Dobosh were guests of relatives in Bethlehem. Ella Slivka and Anna Pero visited Mr.

and Mrs. Michael Spack in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steventon and children spent the weekend with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. John Feinour, Allentown. R. A.

Chubb, Tony Mezza and Har. Donald were in New York Saturday attending an extension course at New York University. Front, left to right: Robert Rowlands, George Brown, Charles Greenwood, Norman Smith and William Confer. Second row: Reynold Minnich, Dale Bernhart, Harrison Stettler and Francis Breisch. Third row: Griffith Roylands James Farber and Arthur Kleintop Jr.

Back row: Charles Rowlands and Frank Yale, is due to the strict diet of crackers, oatmeal, lettuce, bread and wheat which Mrs. Costenbader feeds it. Answering to the name of "Birdie." it is very tame and serves As A pet for Mrs. Costenbader. It leaves its cage frequently and will sit with Mrs.

Costenbader for hours at a time. Call-Chronicle Photo..

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Article information

Author: Stevie Stamm

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Views: 5878

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.